We tend to get uber-focused on what to eat, what not to eat and the multitude of ideas around diet information available. This can often lead to mental stress, confusion, doubt and feeling overwhelmed. We cannot let our psoriasis diet be another source of stress, guilt and anxiety. I feel the most important diet strategy is to carry out a "practical transition", whether you are just starting or … [Read more...]
Matt’s Psoriasis Healing Breakdown – Diet, Probiotics, Supplement, Daily Routine
Healing Psoriasis Update and Daily Routine (click play below) I keep making progress, slowly and surely! The breakouts over the late summer are clearing out now as my lower legs clear up. The body doing it's work, my job is to fuel the body and endure the process! Here are some helpful links I mention in the video: Ultimate Psoriasis Diet Guide - … [Read more...]
WarriorMail – Some Beginner Tips for a Psoriasis Diet
Warrior Question - "Are these sources of protein good: Lentils, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds? Which one is better overall? Quinoa vs Brown rice for carbs. Are nuts okay? Almonds and the likes?" My Advice: Organic legumes are ok. Lentils, hummus, black beans in moderation are fine. They have MACs which feed your gut microbiota. Avoid the canned beans, cook them down to remove the … [Read more...]
Gluten and Psoriasis
Gluten is a tricky one. We need to break down the parts of it and other aspects around it and in it. Preservatives, sulfates, "Natural Flavors", canola oil, very common ingredients, (some that have their own unlisted sub-ingredients i.e. vinegar), are high priority poisons to avoid eating as much as possible. They drive the Liver nuts! So, when attempting any elimination phases, dig down into … [Read more...]
My Psoriasis Healing Journey – Kinesiology, Iridology & Heavy Metals
True healing = education + ACTION! + collaboration In October 2012 I declared war on defeating Psoriasis naturally! I focused on alkaline water, juicing, a tiny bit of fruit and a lot of vegetables while cutting out acid-forming foods like red meat, pork, dairy, gluten, alcohol, and white sugar to clear Psoriasis and get myself to full health and vitality. Click the … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Diet Tips – What to Drink and Eat
I know there are a lot of diets out there, we are becoming more afraid of food with all the conflicting information. AIP, Paleo, Nightshade, eat this, not that. We get to a point where we feel like we can't eat anything anymore!! What the heck, man!?! ;) So, lets simplify it and keep the mind busy on practicing, so it doesn't wander into frustration! I made progress when I focused on one … [Read more...]
My Psoriasis Diet – ABCs & 123s Of Healing Naturally
I want to keep my post on a diet for healing Psoriasis as simple as possible. I created & adhered to a few principles to allow myself to transition properly and stick to it: I swore I would not be too hard on myself I would focus on what to ADD, more than what to SUBTRACT I would take the transition slowly & embrace the long journey I would strive to minimize acidic foods and … [Read more...]
Transition and Routine
T & R... Transition and Routine, this will be where I start my mission. I cannot stress enough how important this will be to the battle plan. One with out the other is useless, and a Warrior is powerless without these elements in perfect sync. This is what I have figured out the most, after attempting and failing a lifestyle diet change 3x before, and let me tell you now, the 4th time will be … [Read more...]
Healing Psoriasis Journal Entry #2
Ok! So I've been in Tulum for just about a week now, and i would say my diet transition is moving along nicely. I just finished eating a romaine and kale salad, remembered my Omega/Flax this time, so that means this is the first day where I've remembered to take that 3x! It's the small victories that keep us Warriors moving smoothly and with steadfast vision of pure health and clear skin. So, … [Read more...]