Hello Warriors! Ok, It’s confession hour. Time to repent for my sins. This weekend, I ran into my first speed bump, and I hit it at about 45 mph! In other words, I dipped into some skittles, cookies’n’cream ice cream (best stuff ever made in a factory), and some hot sauce. Then I had some red wine on Sunday.
Ahhh, I already feel the weight of the world off my shoulders. Being honest makes you feel light as a feather, why? Because when you live the word, and exist in truth, happiness is all there is.
So, update on my skin, how I’m feeling and how much I’m itching, lets call it the Itchometer. All is pretty well. I’ve noticed a bit of a slow down in skin regeneration . No new spots to report, a few small ones. What I’m noticing, is that these small spots are more of a rash, and appear around the other most recent spots that popped up. What I am hoping for, is that this is the first evidence of the initial die-off.
For those not familiar with the die-off, that is the period where the Candida and other unwelcomed pathogens begin to starve and die, since I am not feeding them the sugar they require any more to thrive. When they do start to die, they give off extra toxins and waste materials, that get dispersed into the blood in that general area. This causes more break out, I like to think of this quote “The dawn is always darkest, just before the day”. So, do not get discouraged, when you are 3-4 weeks into the diet transition and you notice new spots popping up. Remember, it is also stressful emotionally and psychologically as you begin to give up on the foods and sweets you have loved for so long, and Emotions are the Biggest Psoriasis Trigger.
Every day, I drink the following Psoriasis remedies:
- Slippery Elm Tea
- Green Superfood
- 4 liters of room-temp water, with PHion alkalzing drops and a whole lime
- a green juice (usually consisting of celery, cucumber, parsley, spinach, a little carrot, ginger and broccoli)
- American saffron tea
- Milk thistle in water
Supplements I’m trying to remember everday:
- Omega / Flax 3,6,9 multi
- All Cell Detox (nature’s sunshine)
- B-Complex
- Zinc (good for males)
- L-Gluathione
- MSM (3x)
- N-Acetyl L-Cysteine
- Slippery Elm Capsules
Other things I’m doing is my exercising daily with Yoga in the morning, followed by core exercises using my stability ball. The only 2 things you need to get into killer shape.
An important part of my therapy is getting natural sunlight and swimming in the ocean (saline) water atleast 2-3x per week. ESSENTIAL: I cannot stay in the sun too long and must use 30 SPF (don’t ever use more than 30SPF, it’s a hoax) to make sure that the ultraviolet-A I’m bringing in as at a slow moderate pace. When you tan correctly, it goes a LONG way in minimizing the skin flaking symptoms and lightens your spot tone to pink as your skin darkens. DO NOT BURN OR YOU WILL FLARE.
So, I don’t want to rush to any conclusions based on my observations, but as you all know out there whom have Psoriasis, when we see even the slightest lessening in Psoriasis symptoms we get very excited. With that being said, I have noticed a small amount of lightening and more skin tone on my chest lesions. My chest and frontal abdomen is 100% covered, after my latest flare in January 2012. So, to see this being less red, and lightening up is giving the warrior more strength in his conviction. Remember, this is my story, yours will have similar plotlines and twists, but the actor and director will be completely different. You are the Producer of Your Own Health.
Remember to stay practical, and give yourself a break and room for error. You are on the most difficult part of the most epic journey of your life. The one where you realize you can heal yourself of all that ails you.
I will say this though, the common bond that binds us with Psoriasis and are on a path of healing, is that our faith will be built through practice, hence we will never have to hope for miracles, we will make them.
I remember when the “everyday” stuff you are now doing wasn’t so everyday at all! Proof positive that baby steps go from a chore to an act as natural as breathing – it’s all in the muscle memory my Warrior!
That’s absolutely right, and I can also say right now, that this Psoriasis diet journal and the act of writing is a great way to keep up with the baby steps. Every day, while the diet becomes a lifestyle and as “natural as breathing”
Dr. Campbells Principles, from The China Study, Chapter 11:
1. Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless food substances. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
2. Vitamin supplements are not a panacea for good health.
3. There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not better provided by plants.
4. Genes do not determine disease on their own. Genes function only by being activated, or expressed, and nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed.
5. Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of noxious chemicals.
6. The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages (before diagnosis) can also halt or reverse disease in its later stages (after diagnosis).
7. Nutrition that is truly beneficial for one chronic disease will support health across the board.
8. Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected.
These principles are all fantastic. I absolutely love each. #5 and #7 are so true. Those are the 2 that were the catalyst to push me over the tipping point and on to a path of healing inside / out. I know, speaking of genes, (which I believe are the scientific fabrics of our soul and spirit as well as mind and body), can be whatever they are inspired and conditioned to be. Ever-changing based on the physical influences we introduce.
This is a must read for me, is their a kindle download link?
Some universities are getting it right: http://plantsforhumanhealth.ncsu.edu/about/overview/
That’s great, how long till MSU has a program for plant healing?