“I Saw The Signs”
Ok, It’s been about 5 – 6 weeks now on my transitional diet. The main part of that is staying away from all red meats, most all cheese and dairy, all refined sugars and gluten. I would say about 60-80% of my diet the past 4 weeks has been plant-based.
The last week, with a friend in town, and a night out on the town this weekend, I had some serious cheats. These consisted of popcorn and soda at the movies, a latte, a whopper value meal (which was quite tasty) and a few beers while we went bowling. I clearly notice the following symptoms when I eat large portions of acidic food:
- heartburn
- indigestion or tightness in bowels
- constipation
- fatigue
- soreness
I’m much more aware of the correlation of acid foods and Psoriasis symptoms, now that I have been eating a healing-focused psoriasis diet since October.
As far as my skin, I have noticed a good amount of clearance on my chest and abdomen. My shoulders and top of my arms are lightening a bit. The other major sign of Psoriasis healing is the pace at which the skin regenerates in general. This pace is much slower now. I know this, because I usually have to take a shower at certain times to go through my “molting” process. The past 48-72 hours, I’ve been able to slack off a bit, without pain on my chest area, yesterday I did not take a shower at all. I used much less lotion than usual as well.
I am happy with the progress so far, and staying focused on the everyday routine of the natural psoriasis remedies I put in my body. My morning ritual is:
- 1 liter room temp water, with 1 full lime squeezed, 15 alkalizing drops
- 1 tablespoon green superfood in 1 cup water stirred
- 1 tablespoon slippery elm tea, steeped for 20 minutes in 1 cup room temp water
- 20 drops milk thistle in 1 cup water
- green juice
If I get repetitive, I apologize, but it’s a big part of the practice. My habits are positively changing more each day. It’s becoming easier to eat this way, and the lifestyle is setting in slowly but surely.
I’m on board completely. I will heal my Psoriasis, with consistent, persistent change in myself.
I too have Psoriasis, started when I was in my late twenties but fortunately it only affects my knees, elbows and knuckles. I wanted to tell you that there were two times that my psoriasis condition completely went away. The first was when I returned from a working trip my wife had moved out, I was so upset and blindsided I couldn’t eat or sleep for 2-3 weeks I pretty much lived on coffee and cigarettes. Without paying any attention I realized that my skin was completely clear. To this day I cannot explain why this happened but it actually lasted for years but slowly came back.
The second time I was cured was by a new (at the time) zinc spray that was manufactured in Spain. It took about a week to really see results but it worked. The down side was that it came right back with a vengeance when you stopped using it.. As far as I know The Feds took it off the market because it wasn’t approved even though it was only Zinc. I have never been able to find it again. I suspect that the formula was “bought up” and buried because it actually worked.
Good luck with your alkaline diet, I will keep reading your journal.
Hi Steve,
that’s too bad the product is off the market. I supplement Chelated Zinc with my daily green juice.
How is your Psoriasis doing these days? I am so sorry to hear about what happened, interesting that stress, coffee and cigarettes removed your P for a while. I have had coffee every day (black with stevia) and I have smokes occassionally.
It’s really more so about adding the proper amounts and items to your water and green juicing. That is my remedy for Psoriasis!