Psoriasis Healing Topicals I use daily: Castor Oil and Psoriasis (apply to plaques and can also wrap to soften) - [] Organic Lotion (the best ive ever found, love the ingredients) - [] For my scalp, I use Puracy citrus mint shampoo and conditioner [] For body I use a Seaweed based body wash I like to use in my bath water … [Read more...]
Getting Rid Of Psoriasis Has Been Hell Lately!
Wow, the last three months have been rough. I know I am always very positive and optimistic, but I am also tangible and practical. I´m going to cover the growing pains I have been going through over the past 90 days. Shortly after I wrote a post about not sweating the small Guttate spots, I noticed the rashes that were forming as the Psoriasis spots first began to heal were growing … [Read more...]
In Your FACE Psoriasis!
It has been almost eight months since I have used my typical DermaSmoothe steroid oil and a generic corticosteroid cream on my entire forehead to the eyebrows, lining of my scalp, ears, nose and eyes. I used a combo of the oil and cream to keep the symptoms of my scalp and face Psoriasis at bay for about seven years. Since I started my alkaline approach to healing my Psoriasis, I made a vow to … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving! What I Have To Be Thankful For
Hello All My Psoriasis Healing Warriors!! Happy Turkey Day to all out there. As we sit back and enjoy family, good food and whatever else floats your boat, take a moment to mark 5 monumental things you are happy for in your life. So, Here are mine: My Family & True Friends My Health & Prosperity as a Free Human My Intellect and Intelligence (the ability to … [Read more...]