Hello Warriors! Here are pictures taken on August, 20th, 2019. I am in Phase 3 of my natural healing journey. 2019 has been a hell of a year. Right at January 2nd, 2019, infection rose up on the lower legs and knees. All up and down the bones and knee joints. My body has been fighting and eliminating this methodically these past 8 months. I am steadily getting better. I am going through … [Read more...]
Matt’s May Skin Update
2019 has been a challenging year. Right at the beginning of January, a major healing crisis began. My lower legs, abdomen, neck, ears and arms experienced swelling, cuts, oozing and wounds. As this happened, psoriasis symptoms spread back out again over the shoulders, back, upper legs, buttocks, and feet. Since January, I have been slowly recovering. The abdomen is showing signs of clearing … [Read more...]
Phase 3 Begins: Psoriasis Pictures of Healing Crisis
Phase 3 of my natural healing journey has begun on January 2nd, 2019. An outbreak in the knee, jaw and lower abdomen has started. The psoriasis symptoms are spreading out all over areas that had cleared. Oh no! This can be disheartening, frightening and downright depressing! It's ok though, the Warrior keeps his eye on ultimate victory! These cycles, or phases as I refer to them, are the nature … [Read more...]
Matt’s Birthday Skin Update
Psoriasis is clearing up well now! Yup, that's the best Birthday present ever. I am going into my 37th year on this planet and what will be my 15th year dealing with the symptoms known as Psoriasis. Here's a video and some pictures of my most recent progress! Let me know any questions. … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures and Video September 1st 2018
Healing Psoriasis Video Update (click play below) As I heal, the skin will break out again, in places it had cleared as the body goes deeper into the more difficult acute areas and detoxifies. For me the three most difficult areas are: My jaw, around the old root canal that was infected (you see this in my neck, ears, sides of face) My left knee, deep bone infection where … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures June 29th 2018
As my tummy clears, it was pink all over, and on the sides and back, now my back is pretty much completely clear, my tummy has broken out a little more red, but I see real skin all over, We'll see where the healing roller coaster goes next! … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures May 11th 2018
I am getting very close to fully clear, hard work paying off!! I do not flake anymore really, and my lower arms, lower legs and lower core are blotchy red, but softening and clearing quickly now! … [Read more...]
Psoriasis Pictures April 20th 2018
Psoriasis Pictures February 09 2018
Psoriasis Pictures December 1st 2017
Video Update … [Read more...]