Another beautiful morning on the beach down here in Tulum, Mexico where I live. The water was as calm as a lake, I felt peace and serenity as I stared out at the horizon... where horizon meets the sky... where vision meets the eye... where true self-power is mine... Every time I visit the ocean for my salt scrub and natural phototheraphy (aka the Sun), it inspires me to write. The salt … [Read more...]
In Your FACE Psoriasis!
It has been almost eight months since I have used my typical DermaSmoothe steroid oil and a generic corticosteroid cream on my entire forehead to the eyebrows, lining of my scalp, ears, nose and eyes. I used a combo of the oil and cream to keep the symptoms of my scalp and face Psoriasis at bay for about seven years. Since I started my alkaline approach to healing my Psoriasis, I made a vow to … [Read more...]