Spend 15 minutes in a breathing exercise meditation with me to heal from psoriasis mentally and Emotionally. We can improve our mental health which enhances the body's ability to heal psoriasis naturally. I lead you through a simple and powerful breathing technique: 4 second inhale through nose 2 second hold breathe 8 second exhale through mouth 1:05 - Breathing Introduction 1:19 - … [Read more...]
The Warrior’s Work For Healing Psoriasis
So close... Ever so close. I am about 100% clear now. I am dealing with the underlying infection that caused my Psoriasis for about one year now. I still have inflammation in the knee joints (where I had my ACL surgery originally) and my elbow joints. The joint battle appears to be the longest aspect of this Psoriasis healing war. It happens in cycles, about 3 days out of every week have … [Read more...]
Getting Rid Of Psoriasis Has Been Hell Lately!
Wow, the last three months have been rough. I know I am always very positive and optimistic, but I am also tangible and practical. I´m going to cover the growing pains I have been going through over the past 90 days. Shortly after I wrote a post about not sweating the small Guttate spots, I noticed the rashes that were forming as the Psoriasis spots first began to heal were growing … [Read more...]
3 Steadfast Signs That Psoriasis Is Healing
Another beautiful morning on the beach down here in Tulum, Mexico where I live. The water was as calm as a lake, I felt peace and serenity as I stared out at the horizon... where horizon meets the sky... where vision meets the eye... where true self-power is mine... Every time I visit the ocean for my salt scrub and natural phototheraphy (aka the Sun), it inspires me to write. The salt … [Read more...]
Don’t Sweat The Small Spots
I'm coming up on my year anniversary! The first year from the date I started my divorce with Psoriasis ;). There have been a lot of ups and downs so far. I am seeing amazing progress, especially the past four weeks. The Psoriasis is healing the most on my scalp and shoulders. My chest, abdomen, thighs and more of my oldest spots are free of excess chunks of skin and less red. I can see … [Read more...]
Home Remedies For Psoriasis
Share this using the buttons above, if these work for you, you never know who it may help! CLICK HERE TO VIEW MY RECENT POST SHOWING THE EXACT ITEMS I'M CURRENTLY USING What I Put In My Water Liquid ChlorophyllMy mom has been dropping this into a glass of water every night of her life religiously since the early 80s, she calls it her "green drink". As a kid, I never understood, … [Read more...]
The Growing Pains of Healing Psoriasis
I hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, this is a great time of year for me, as my Birthday falls smack dab in the middle of Thanksgiving and Christmas, I was born on ole Pearl Harbor day, so the holiday season is amplified for me! This particular holiday season has been a bit less exhilarating, due to what I'm learning and experiencing are the growing pains as I gain more knowledge each … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving! What I Have To Be Thankful For
Hello All My Psoriasis Healing Warriors!! Happy Turkey Day to all out there. As we sit back and enjoy family, good food and whatever else floats your boat, take a moment to mark 5 monumental things you are happy for in your life. So, Here are mine: My Family & True Friends My Health & Prosperity as a Free Human My Intellect and Intelligence (the ability to … [Read more...]